Passé simple - with 'aller'
26D Passé simple – with aller (Literary tense, rarely used in speaking)Sujet + "aller"(Passé simple) + verbe principal (Infinitif) Sujet + (allai, allas, alla, allâmes, allâtes, allèrent) + verbe principal (Infinitif) |
26D Examples:
Example 1 (masculin / féminin singulier)
Il (elle) alla voir le film. (Literary tense, rarely used in speaking) He (she) did go to see the movie. (for emphasis, negative, or asking a question) He (she) did go see the movie. (for emphasis, negative, or asking a question) He (she) went to see the movie.
Example 2 (masculin / féminin singulier)
Il (elle) alla nager. (Literary tense, rarely used in speaking) He (she) did go swimming. (for emphasis, negative, or asking a question) He (she) went swimming. |