Participe passé composé - Passif



Participe passé composé – passif


Passif direct


Passif pronominal



Passif direct – (Participe passé composé)

(Appendix C - Le Passif – The Passive Formats)

. . . ayant  +  été  +  verbe principal (p.p.)(

(Note: When using the "Passif direct" format, the subject of the verb "être" (ayant été) must also be the direct object of the participe passé (p.p.) of the main verb, and it may come before or after the participe passé (p.p.). In both cases, the p.p. agrees in gender and in number with that direct object.)





Example 1 (masculin singulier)


Ayant été corrigé, le document était prêt à être envoyé.

Having been corrected, the document was ready to be sent.

Having gotten corrected, the document was ready to be sent.


Example 2 (féminin singulier)


Ayant été corrigée, la lettre était prête à être envoyée.

Having been corrected, the letter was ready to be sent.

Having gotten corrected, the letter was ready to be sent.



Passif pronominal – (Participe passé composé)

(Appendix H - Le Pronominal passif et impersonnel)

. . . s' (nom ou pronom, inanimé, – objet direct du verbe principal)  +  étant  +  verbe principal (p.p.)(

(Note: When using the "Passif pronominal (direct)" format, the reflexive pronoun is also the direct object (of the participe passé (p.p.) of the main verb) and it also precedes the p.p., so the p.p. agrees in gender and in number with that direct-object reflexive pronoun – ie. with the subject.)





Example 1 (masculin singulier)


S'étant donné à plusieurs reprises, le cours est devenu très populaire.

Having been given several times, the course became very popular.


Example 2 (féminin pluriel)


S'étant vendues avant la fin de semaine, les maisons ont été retirées du marché.

Having been sold before the weekend, the houses were pulled from the market.

Having gotten sold before the weekend, the houses were pulled from the market.

Having sold before the weekend, the houses were pulled from the market.