Appendix H

Le Pronominal passif et impersonnel

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Autres formes de pronominaux – Pronominal passif et pronominal impersonnel


A) Le Pronominal passif (Passive meaning using the pronominal format).

A passive idea can instantly be created for an inanimate object (a non-living thing) when it is the direct object of a main verb by simply putting the verb in the pronominal format.

In this case, the mirror pronoun can only be "se" (or "s'" before a vowel).

Consider the following ideas, and then we`ll use each one as an example of this easy procedure.



"Construire une nouvelle autoroute." – Build a new highway.

"Vendre la maison." – Sell the house.

"Imposer la loi." – Impose the law.

"Proclamer la bonne nouvelle." – Proclaim the good news.

"Apprendre l'habileté." – Learn the skill.


Each of these ideas can be given a passive meaning by putting the verb in the pronominal format with the mirror pronoun "se" (or "s'" before a vowel).

In the following tables, we'll look at each of the above ideas in a few of the Temps simples, Temps composés, and Temps combinés. (These verb structures are defined in Appendix A)


Temps simples (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps simples Examples English Meaning


"Une nouvelle autoroute se construit."

A new highway is being built.

Futur simple

"La maison se  vendra."

The house will be sold / will get sold. (will sell)

Conditionnel présent

"La loi s'imposerait."

The law would be imposed.


"La bonne nouvelle se proclamait."

The good news was being proclaimed.

Subjonctif présent

"Il faut que l'habileté s'apprenne."

It is necessary that the skill be learned.

Temps composés (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps composés Examples English Meaning

Passé composé

"Une nouvelle autoroute s'est construite."

A new highway was built / has been built.

Futur antérieur

"La maison se sera vendue."

The house will have sold / will have been sold / will have gotten sold.

Conditionnel passé

"La loi se serait imposée."

The law would have been imposed.


"La bonne nouvelle s'était proclamée."

The good news had been proclaimed.

Subjonctif passé

"C'est merveilleux que l'habileté se soit apprise."

It is wonderful / marvellous that the skill has been learned / was learned.

Temps combinés (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps combinés Examples English Meaning

Présent continu

"Une nouvelle autoroute est en train de se construire."

A new highway is in the process of being / getting built.

Futur proche

"La maison va se vendre."

The house is going to sell / is going to be sold / is going to get sold.

Passé récent

"La loi vient de s'imposer."

The law has just been imposed / was just imposed.

Présent continu au Conditionnel présent

"La bonne nouvelle serait en train de se proclamer."

The good news would be in the process of being proclaimed.

Présent continu au Conditionnel passé

"L'habileté aurait été en train de s'apprendre."

The skill would have been in the process of being learned.


B) Le Pronominal impersonnel (Passive form using the impersonal  pronominal format).

There is one last pronominal format that is less often used but which displays a special elegance.

It also creates a passive idea and is always conjugated with the impersonal subject "il" and the mirror pronoun "se", or "s'" before a vowel.

Consider the following ideas, and then we`ll use each one as an example of this final pronominal procedure.



"Construire beaucoup d'appartements dans ce quartier." – Build many aprtments in this neighbourhood.

"Vendre plusieurs produits électroniques." – Sell several electronic products.

"Dire des choses importantes." – Say (some) important things.

"Entendre des bruits étranges." – Hear (some) strange noises.

"Produire ici les meilleurs vins de la région." – Produce the best wines of the region here.


Each of these ideas can be given a passive meaning by putting the verb in the impersonal pronominal format, using the impersonal subject "il" and the mirror pronoun "se", or "s'" before a vowel.

In the following tables, we'll look at the above ideas in a few of the Temps simples, Temps composés, and Temps combinés. (These verb structures are defined in Appendix A)

  • The "il" and the "se/s'" have been underlined in each example.


Temps simples (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps simples Examples English Meaning


"Il se construit beaucoup d'appartements dans ce quartier."

Many apartments are built / are being built / are getting built in this neighborhood.

Futur simple

"Il se vendra plusieurs produits électroniques."

Several electronic products will be sold / will get sold / will sell.

Conditionnel présent

"Il se dirait des choses importantes."

(Some) Important things would be said / would get said.


"Il s'entendait des bruits étranges."

Strange sounds were being heard.

Subjonctif présent

"Ce n'est pas surprenant qu'il se produise ici les meilleurs vins de la région."

It is not surprising that the best wines of the region are produced / are being produced here.

Temps composés (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps composés Examples English Meaning

Passé composé

"Il s'est construit beaucoup d'appartements dans ce quartier."

Many apartments have been built / have gotten built / were built in this neighborhood.

Futur antérieur

"Il se sera vendu plusieurs produits électroniques."

Several electronic products will have sold / will have been sold / will have gotten sold.

Conditionnel passé

"Il se serait dit des choses importantes."

(Some) Important things would have been said / would have gotten said.


"Il s'était entendu des bruits étranges."

Strange sounds had been heard.

Subjonctif passé

"Ce n'est pas surprenant qu'il se soit produit ici les meilleurs vins de la région."

It is not surprising that the best wines of the region have been produced / were produced here.

Temps combinés (Defined in Appendix A)

Temps combinés Examples English Meaning

Présent continu

"Il est en train de se construire beaucoup d'appartements dans ce quartier."

Many apartments are in the process of being built / are in the process of getting built in this neighborhood.

Futur proche

"Il va se vendre plusieurs produits électroniques."

Several electronic products are going to be sold / are going to get sold / are going to sell.

Passé récent

"Il vient de se dire des choses importantes."

(Some) Important things have just been said / were just said.

Passé récent à l'Imparfait

"Il venait de s'entendre des bruits étranges."

(Some) Strange sounds had just been heard.

Futur proche au passé

"Il allait se produire ici les meilleurs vins de la région."

The best wines of the region were going to be produced here.