VerbExpress Products

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A fresh, ground-breaking approach to understanding AND using the right French verb tenses correctly is now available.

A must-have reference tool for every English-speaking student of French.

The revolutionary French Verb Code Breaker (722 pages) has just been released and is now available at Amazon and fine booksellers around the world.

This user-friendly WIDE-MARGIN edition provides ample space for study notes and personal review strategies.

For a complete description of this amazing set of integrated tools and full list of features, see below.

To see the story behind the Code Breaker, go HERE.

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- From the back cover -


The search is over for a user-friendly guide to understanding the French Verb system. The French Verb Code Breaker features two revolutionary tools that will change the way you understand, learn and master French verbs forever.


EVERY VERB TENSE & FORM - First, the groundbreaking Univerb ATLAS shows the entire universe of French verb tenses in every possible form (Active, Passive, Reflexive, and major Semi-auxiliaries) reaching far beyond traditional French verb tools and covering all levels, from Beginner to Teacher to Professional. Many of these forms are never even shown in traditional works.

Alphabetically organized to make it fast and easy to find what you're looking for.


EVERY SHADE OF MEANING - Second, the CODE BREAKER introduces Univerb Tags, the unique and powerful set of special tools which help to reveal every shade of meaning of every French verb tense and form and shows you how to use each one, with instant access to clear examples with translations showing exactly what each form means in action. This range of insight is not available in any other work anywhere. The Code Breaker is uniquely designed to make it easy for speakers of English to instantly understand all possible meanings of any French verb tense. All in one volume. Simply the most advanced collection of French verb tenses in the world. Easy to use. Endlessly illuminating.


SERT AUSSI AUX FRANCOPHONES - The unique design of this manual also makes it perfect to be used in reverse by native speakers of French to discover and learn the English versions of the entire French verb-tense system!


EXPLANATIONS & HELP - The French Verb Code Breaker - your own Personal Tutor - gives you step-by-step guidance on every rule and every exception in a user-friendly format. And even if you've lost the French you once had, you can get the verb tenses back fast with the Code Breaker and the companion online webxercises.


EXAMPLES, TRANSLATIONS & WEBXERCISES - WebBridge Links, a complete system of scannable links throughout the text instantly connect the user to featuring countless verb-tense examples along with translations and a wealth of additional resources, helpful guides containing key information which is often hard to find in traditional works, and rich collections of online webxercises (subscription) that help you convert theory into practice and make learning easier and faster.




About the Author

Pierre C. Bélanger, author of this unique teaching and reference volume, taught French at every level to professionals for 26 years, as well as to teachers of French and French Immersion students in Canada. Having gained a unique and extensive experience of the full range of difficulties faced by English-speaking students of French, Pierre decided to compile this ground-breaking and user-friendly guide to the most extensive collection of French verb tenses ever assembled in a single volume (including all their possible forms) - The French Verb Code Breaker.
He designed the French Verb Tense Atlas arranging all French verb tenses in alphabetical order covering far more than what is found in traditional works.
He designed a system of Univerb Tags(c) which reveal in mere seconds every possible English meaning of any French verb tense form!
Then he included a WebBridge system throughout the text linking to examples, translations, and an extensive set of Appendices guiding the reader with helpful details, hints, and tips for every situation.
Webxercises (subscription online exercises) will also be included on the Code Breaker's companion website - - for practice online, download for classroom learning or for home assignments - a wealth of resources that are perfect for a more complete and effective learning of French for students, teachers, and professionals of all levels.

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And in the coming weeks, our additional collection of study tools (below) will also be featured and available for download from this page:

- The World Encyclopedia of French Verb Tenses

- The Complete Compendium of French Verb Tenses A - Z

- The French Verb Sample Gallery

Be sure to visit often to take your French to new heights!

This page will give you access to all these special study tools.

À bientôt!