Passé composé - with 'devoir'


Passé composé – with devoir

Sujet  +  "avoir"(Présent - Indicatif)  +  "devoir"(p.p.)  +  verbe principal (Infinitif)

Sujet  +  (ai,  as,  a,  avons,  avez,  ont)  +    +  verbe principal (Infinitif)





Example 1 (masculin / féminin singulier)


Il (elle) a dû chercher la solution.

He (she) did have to look for the solution (and fulfilled his/her obligation). (but not routinely) (for emphasis, negative, or asking a question)

He (she) had to look for the solution (and fulfilled his/her obligation). (but not routinely)

He (she) has had to look for the solution.

He (she) must have looked for the solution.