Appendix G

Le Pronominal 'optionnel' ('accidentel'):

(Quelques exemples, et cas spéciaux)

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Le Pronominal optionnel (accidentel)


Any action that can be done to oneself (réfléchi – reflexive), or by more than one subject to each other (réciproque – reciprocal), can operate in the French pronominal format simply by adding the appropriate mirror pronounme, te, se, nous, vous, and se – (fully illustrated in Appendix D).

As can be expected, many French verbs can take on these reflexive (direct or indirect) or reciprocal (direct or indirect) meanings.

The list below (non-exhaustive) contains samples of the 'Verbes pronominaux optionnels' – also called pronominaux accidentels – (French verbs which keep their normal meaning while adding a reflexive or reciprocal direction).

The "se" or "s'" in the list represents the mirror pronoun.

The mirror pronouns are:

me / m' for je,

te / t' for tu,

se / s' for il, elle, or on,

nous for nous,

vous for vous, and

se / s' for ils or elles


The list also shows:

* English meanings (when used in the pronominal format)

* Whether the verb functions reflexively (réfléchi) or reciprocally (réciproque)

* Whether it takes a direct or indirect object



English meaning when used in the pronominal format









to call oneself / to call one another



to attack each other


se blesser

to hurt oneself, to get hurt



se bouleverser

to overwhelm each other


se chercher

to look for one another


se consulter

to consult one another


se contredire

to contradict each other


se croiser

to cross one another's path


se dénoncer

to denounce one another


se déplaire

to displease one another


se détecter

to detect one another


se discipliner

to discipline oneself


se disputer

to argue with each other


se dissocier

to dissasociate, distance oneself from



se distraire

to distract one another


se dissuader

to dissuade oneself or one another




to listen to oneself or to each other




to write to oneself or to each other




to embrace each other



to become annoyed, or to annoy one another



s'envoyer (qch)

to send (something) to oneself or to one another




to astonish one another



se frapper

to hit oneself or one another



se fréquenter

to date each other



to identify oneself or each other




to invite oneself or each other



se laver

to wash oeneself


se libérer

to free oneself or one another



se neutraliser

to neutralise oneself or each other




to observe oneself or one another



se parler

to talk to oneself or to each other



se parrainer

to sponsor one another


se présenter

to introduce oneself or each other



se proposer

to propose (something) to one another


se rappeler

to recall, to remember,

to call each other back



se résister

to resist each other


se servir

to serve oneself or each other



se taquiner

to tease each other


se téléphoner

to phone one another


se voir

to see oneself or one another

